Basic Formula for the Textile

Micronaire Value (Cotton): The unit is micrograms per inch. The average weight of one inch length of fibre, expressed in micrograms(0.000001 gram).

Denier (Man-Made Fibres): Weight in grams per 9000 meters of fibre.

Micron (Wool): Fineness is expressed as fibre diameter in microns(0.001mm)


  • Denier = 0.354 x Micronaire value
  • Micronaire value = 2.824 x Denier

It is broadly classified into;



  • English count (Ne)
  • French count(Nf)
  • Metric count(Nm)
  • Worsted count

Metric system: Metric count(Nm) indicates the number of 1 kilometer(1000 meter) lengths per Kg.

  • Nm = length in Km / weight in kg (or)
  • Nm = length meter / weight in grams


  • Tex count
  • Denier


Texden/91000/Nmgr.yd   x 70.86
Ne590.54/tex5314.9/denNm x .59058.33 / gr/yd
Dentex  x  99000/Nmgr/yd  x 637.7
Nm1000/tex9000/den14.1 / gr/yd
Grains/ydtex / 70.86den / 637.714.1/Nm


Ounce437.5 grains28.350 grams
Grains0.03527 ounces0.0648 grams
Grams0.03527 grains15.432 grains0.001 kgs
Kilograms35.274 ounces15432 grains1000 grams2.2046 pounds
Pounds16.0 ounces7000 grains453.59 grams0.4536 kgs


Yard3 feet36 inches91.44 cms0.9144 meter
Feet0.3333 yards12 inches30.48 cms0.3048 meter
Inches0.0278 yards0.0833 feet2.54 cms0.254 meter
Centimeter0.0109 yards0.0328 feet0.3937 inches0.01meter
Meter1.0936 yards3.281 feet39.37 inches100 cms


  • Grams per meter = 0.5905 / Ne
  • Grams per yard = 0.54 / Ne
  • Tex = den x .11 = 1000/Nm = Mic/25.4
  • Ne = Nm/1.693
  • DRAFT = (feed weight in g/m) / (delivery weight in g/m)
  • DRAFT = Tex (feed) / Tex(delivery)
  • DRAFT = delivery roll surface speed / feed roll surface speed
  • No of hanks delivered by m/c = (Length delivered in m/min) / 1.605


1. Slub catcher settings :

  a. Fixed Blade = Carded – (2.0 to 2.5) x diameter
                          Combed – (1.5 to 2.0) x diameter

  b. Electronic yarn clearer = 3 cm x 3 diameter
 Diameter in inch for Blended yarn   = 1/( 28 x √count )
                                                      = 10 to 15% more settings

                                          Number of objectionable thick faults removed by slub catcher
2.Yarn clearer efficiency =……………………………………………………………………………………..x 100
                                          Total objectionable thick faults present in yarn before winding

                               Total breaks during winding (at faults)
3. Knot factor =…………………………………………………………………….
                           No. of breaks due to objectionable yarn faults

                                                  Strength of spliced joint x 100
4. Retained splice strength = …………………………………………………..
                                                       Strength of parent yarn

5. Winding Tension = 0.1 x Single yarn strength in grams

                                                  4500 x Y
6. Expected efficiency E = ………………………………………………                                               S x N (12 + 98)

7. Winder’s workload (0.17 min/operation on conventional winding m/c) = 2300 operations per shift of 8 hours


  • 1 creeling or 1 piecing = 1 operation
  • 1 doffing = 2 operations

8. Winder’s workload on autoconer (0.08 min per operation) = 4800 operations/shift of 8 hours


  • 1 bobbing feeding = 1 operation
  • 1 doffing (manual) = 4.5 operation

Y = Length/Bobbin (metres)
B = Breaks per bobbin
S = Winding speed (metres/min)
C = English count 
9. Production in Kgs / 8 Hrs = (0.2836 x L x Effy x Nd) / (Ne)

  • L – delivery speed in m/min
  • effy – efficiency
  • Ne – english count
  • Nd – No of delvieries

10. P =( L x 1.0936 x 60 x Effy ) / (Hank (Ne) x 36 x 840 x 2.2045)

  • P – production in kgs / hr
  • L – delivery speed in m/min
  • effy- efficiency
  • Ne – English count ( number of 840 yards in one pound)
  • 840 – constant
  • 2.2045- to convert from lbs to kilograms


                                             R x 100
1. Machine Efficiency E =………………………..
                                              R + S

R = Uninterrupted running time for 1,000 meters (in sec)

                  1000 x 60
         Machine speed in mtr/min.

S = Total of time in seconds for which the machine is stopped for a production of 1,000 meters

               B X N X T1    T2          T3
    = R + —————- + —— + ———– + T4
                   400             L          L x C

  • B = Ends breaks/400 ends/1,000 meters
  • N = Number of ends
  • L = Set length in 1,000 meters
  • C = Beams per creel

Timing of activities in seconds are :

  • T1 = To mend a break
  • T2 = To change a beam
  • T3 = To change a creel
  • T4 = Miscellaneous Time loss/1,000 mtrs.  

2. Production in metres per 8 hrs. (K) = 480 x mtrs/min x E/100 kgs.
3. Production in Kgs. per 8 hrs. = (K x N)/(1693 x English Count)
4. Warping Tension = 0.03 to 0.05 x Single thread strength 


                                          Length in metre x 1.094 x Total ends
1. Warp weight (in kg.) ……………………………………………x 100
                                                840 x 2.204 x Warp count

                                   Sized warp weight – Unsized warp weight
2. Size pick-up % =……………………………………………………… x 100
                                                 Un-sized warp weight

3. Weight of size = Warp Weight x Size pick up %

                           Sized warp length – Unsized warp length
4. Stretch % = …………………………………………………x 100
                                      Un-sized warp length

                                    Total-ends x Warp length in yards
5. Sized yarn count = ………………………………………………………
                                      Sized warp weight (lbs) x 840

                                            Wt. of sized yarn – Wt. of oven dried yarn
6. % of Moisture content………………………………………………… x 100
                                                            Wt. of sized yarn 

                               Deliver counter reading – Feed counter reading
7. % of Stretch =……………………………………………………… x 100                                             Feed counter reading 

                                               840,000 x D x C
8. % Droppings on loom ……………………………. x 100
                                                454 Y x N x P D = Dropping in gms. C = English Count
Y = Length woven (yds.) N = Number of Ends
P = % size add on
9. Invisible Loss%

     Amount of size material issued – Amount of size added on yarn
……………………………………………………………………………x 100
                            Amount of size issued

Steam, Consumption (Sizing M/c) = 2.0 kg/kg of sized yarn
(Cooker) = 0.3 kg/kg of liquor
(Sow box) = 0.2 kg/kg of yarn

                                                 No. of Cylinder x 1,000 x English count
10. Max. Speed of machine ………………………………………………
                                                      (metres/min) Number of ends

                                                Number of ends x 0.6
11. Wt. of warp in gms/mtr …………………………
                                                    English count


1. Reed Count : It is calculated in stock port system.

Reed width ………………………………
                          1 + Weft crimp %age

No. of dents in 2 inches is called Reed Count

2. Reed Width :
                                            100 + Weft crimp %age
Reed width = Cloth width x ………………………………

3. Crimp % :
                                       Warp length – Cloth length
Warp Crimp %age =…………………………………………. x 100
                                                Cloth length

                                 Weft length – Cloth length
Weft Crimp %age = ……………………………… x 100
                                         Cloth length

                                             EPI 4. Warp cover factor = ………………………………
                                        √Warp Count

5. Weft cover factor =…………………….
                                        √Weft count

                                                                        Wp.C.F. x Wt. C.F.
6. Cloth cover factor = Wp.C.F. + Wt.C.F. – ……………………………….

7. Maximum EPI for particular count :

  a. For plain fabrics = 14 x √Count

  b. For drill fabrics = √Count x 28 x 4/6

  c. For satin fabric = √Count x 28 x 5/7

                                     Ends/repeat x 1 / yarn diameter
  d. Other design = ………………………………………………………..
                             No. of intersections / repeat + ends/repeat

8. Yarn diameter ……………………
                                 28 x √Count

Weave Density

1. Warp density = Ends/cm x √Tex x K
                         = < 250

2. Filling density = Picks/cm x √Tex x K
                         = < 350

                                            (Warp density – 100) x F.D.- 100
3. Weave Density = 50 + ……………………………………………
                                            (Weft density – 100) x F.D.- 100

4. Effective weave density = W.D. x K of loom width x K of Design = < 72

Count Table

To change the count and number of thread/inch, keeping the same denseness of the fabric :
1. To change the EPI without altering the denseness :

                               EPI in given cloth x √ Warp count in expected cloth
EPI in Exp.Cloth =………………………………………………………………

                                         √ Warp count in given cloth2. To change the count without altering the denseness :

                                EPI in exp. cloth2
EPI in exp. cloth = …………………………………x Count in given cloth
                                EPI in given cloth

Warp requirement to weave a cloth :

                                                Total ends x 1.0936 x 453.59 x crimp%
1. Warp weight in gms/mtrs. =………………………………………………….x Wasteage%                                                                  840 x Count

2. Weft weight in gms/mtrs.

    R.S. in inches x 453.59 x PPI
=…………………………………x Crimp % x Waste %
              840 x Count
3. Cloth length in mtrs.with the given weft weight 
     Weft wt. in kgs. x Weft count x 1848 x 0.9144=……………………………………………………….                          PPI x R.S. in inches
For Silk and Polyester :

1. Warp weight in gms/mtrs.

      Total ends x Count (Denier)
………………………………………..x Crimp% x Waste %age

2. Weft weight in gms/mtrs.     RS in inches x PPI x Count (Denier)
……………………………………….. x Crimp% x Wasteage%

Allowance for count in Bleached and Dyed Fabric :

  • Count becomes 4%
  • Finer Dyed counts become max.6% Coarser


                                                    Motor pulley diameter
1. Loom speed = Motor RPM x ………………………………….
                                                    Loom pulley diameter

                                         Actual production
2. Loom Efficiency % = ——————————- x 100
                                       Calculated production

                                             Yarn weight – Dryed yarn weight
3. Moisture Regain % = —————————————————– x 100
                                                      Dryed yarn weight

                                          Yarn weight – dried yarn weight
4. Moisture Content % = ———————————————– x 100
                                                  Yarn weight

                                        Total ends x Tape length in metre
5. Warp weight in Kg. = ——————————————————
                                              1693.6 x Warp count

                                      RS in centimetres x Coth length in metres x PPI
6. Weft weight in Kg. = ——————————————————————-
                                                  4301.14 x Weft count

                                             EPI                    PPI
7. Cloth weight in GSM = —————— + ——————– x 25.6
                                      Warp count          Weft count

GSM (Grams per sq. metre)
8. Oz (Ounce) per sq.yard = ——————————————–

Material measurement :
For calculating of length of any rolled fabrics :

        0.0655 (D – d) (D + d)
L = ———————————

Where,L = Length of material (feet)
t = Thickness of fabrics (inches)
D = Outside diameter (inches)
d = Inside diameter (inches) 
Weight of yarn in a cloth :
The weight of cloth manufactured on loom depends upon the weight of yarns in the warp and weft : ends/inch, picks/inch and the weight of size on the warp.

Therefore, Cloth weight = Weight of warp + Weight of weft + Weight of size (All in lbs.)

                                                        Total No. of Ends x Tape length in yds.
Where as Weight of warp in lbs —————————————————–
                                                                  840 x Warp yarn count

Also Weight of weft in lbs.

    Length of cloth (yds) x Picks/inch in cloth x Reed width (inch)
———————————————————————————————–                                840 x Weft yarn count 

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