Fabric Inspection System

Fabric Inspection System

Fabric inspection system is a method to evaluate fabric category of usability . It is to identify defects and give an idea to garment manufacturer what % of garment may be probably defectives if fabric is used as it is.The goal of fabric inspection is to ensure that the fabric meets client specifications and to reduce the risk of product rejection.

What is 4 point system

The 4-point system for fabric inspections is a standardized method used in the apparel and textile industry to evaluate the quality of fabrics. It is the most commonly used fabric inspection system in the industry.  This system evaluates and grades fabrics by giving numbers to the visual defects . So we can say it the method converting defects in number , which is more authentic and standard method. It makes system universal and simple to adopt by all . It  giving buyers and suppliers insight into the quality of their fabric.

In the 4-point system, defects in both the warp/weft or course/wale directions of a fabric will be assigned penalty points using the following criteria:

Size of Defects

Penalty Points

Defects up to 3 inches


Defects > 3 inches < 6 inches


Defects > 6 inches < 9 inches


Defects > 9 inches


        However it is important to note all defects are not classified based on length only , Some defects are always 4 penalty points , irrespective of size. These are such as Holes, Shade variation , Center selvedge shade difference , Torn selvedge , Fabric cut .


Calculation of total points per yard

Using the 4-point system, fabric quality is determined by the number of points per 100 square yards.

Points per 100 square yards are calculated as follows: 
Penalty Points x 36 x 100 / Inspected yards x measured cuttable width in inches

Acceptable Level

The acceptable penalty points (unit: points per 100 sq. yards) are related to fabric construction, fabric type, yarn size, fabric weight, finishing, etc. 

However, in the apparel and textile industry, most mills, brands, and buyers often have their own standards for acceptable points. 

The Grading of Fabric

Upon the completion of the inspection, the total penalty points are calculated per fabric roll and for the entire shipment. The grading will be included in the inspection report.

  1. “First quality”: An individual roll/piece is graded a “First” if the penalty points per 100 square yards do not exceed the acceptable points (the stated point depends on the requirement).
  2. “Second quality”: A roll/piece is graded a “Second” if the penalty points per 100 square yards exceed the acceptable points.

If the average points per 100 square yards do not exceed the acceptable level, the result of the entire shipment will be considered as “PASSED”.



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JC Penny Four Point Inspection System


If any fault is of length

0″ – 3″ It is 1 Point
3″ – 6″ It is 2 Point
6″ – 9″ It is 3 Point
9″ – 12″ It is 4 Point

 More than 12″ Cut in to two parts. (In any direction)


In any roll, if total defects are more than 24 points.  If sum of points for
 the batch is more than 20 points batch will cause more than 4% garment
rejection  (other than colour fibre).

 In this point system, at any point 1 point defects should not be more
 than 10, (other than contamination).

If defects points are more than 35, then please ask seniors/ customer
before dispatch of material.

All running faults should be highlighted with the points of roll/






 Major Faults
 1) Yarn

 a) Dead Cotton – 4 Points always. As it is running fault, hence no need to calculate on points.
 b) Baree – 1. As per the length of fault.
                  2. But always advisable to cut the fabric (defective)

c) Contamination – 1 Point always if it is more than 25 per 20 Kgs. roll it is alarming.

 d) Thick/Thin/Slub – As per length of fault.


a) Holes – 1 Point if mendable.
                 2 point if non-mendable.
                 (In Lycra even small holes can’t mend)
 b) Drop Stitch – As per length of fault.

c) Needle Line/ Sinker Line – Running defect, no need to calculate on

d) Double loop – Running defect, no need to calculate on

 e) Lycra miss – As per the length of fault.

 f) Winder Line/ white line – Running defect, but may be
 controlled by finishing, hence to highlight and put
 arrow on every 2 mtrs so that can be corrected at compactor



a) Dye Patchy – As per length of fault.

 b) ‘C’ & ‘S’ – Running defect, no need to calculate on points.

 c) Colour stain –              As per length of fault.

 d) Handling stain         As per length fault

 e) Migration –              As per length fault

 f) Abrasion –                As per length fault

 g) Crease mark/Stretch – As per length fault.

 h) Compactor’s defect – As per length fault

  1. i) Oil stain line – As per length fault

  2. j) Softener stain – As per length fault

  3. k) Stretch Line – As per length fault

  4. l) Bowing – As per length fault

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